Skyrme, J (2024) 'The SDG Accord – A global picture of higher education's progress towards the SDGs'. Times Higher Education Global Sustainable Development Congress, Bangkok, 10-13 June 2024.
Skyrme, J (2024) 'How to participate in the THE Impact Rankings: Expert guidance on new submissions and criteria.' Times Higher Education Global Sustainable Development Congress, Bangkok, 10-13 June 2024.
Skyrme, J (2024) 'How to accelerate green learning: Announcing a new global coalition to deliver the net-zero economy.' Times Higher Education Global Sustainable Development Congress, Bangkok, 10-13 June 2024.
Skyrme, J (2023) 'Developing strategies for social responsibility and sustainable development'. University of Helsinki. Senior leaders' 2025-28 strategy day. Online. 29 November 2023.
Skyrme, J (2023) 'University as an epicentre for social responsibility: commitment to people and the planet' Keynote presentation. 20th anniversary of CAtólica SOlidária (CASO) , the volunteer nucleus of the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP) in Porto. 19 and 20 June 2023 in Porto, Portugal.
Skyrme, J (2023) 'Measuring sustainability in higher education'. Higher Education Strategic Planners' Association (HESPA) annual conference: Strategic Planning in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Online. 16 March 2023.
Skyrme, J (2023) 'Social responsibility and the SDGs'. Innovation for a Sustainable Future. Univerzita Karlova (Charles University), Kampus Hybernská, Praha. 15 March. Global online event.
Skyrme, J (2022) 'Dimension responsabilité sociétale'. Association des Directeurs Généraux de Service de l'ESR annual conference. 25 June 2022, Rennes. Keynote address in France.
Skyrme, J (2022) 'Ten years of social responsibility at The University of Manchester'. Burgenstock-Konferenz 2022: Soziale Verantwortung an Hochschulen: Swiss national Conference HES et HEP du Burgenstock. 17 June 2022. Keynote address and interview in Switzerland.
Skyrme, J (2022) 'Reinventing Higher Education for a Sustainable Future'. UNESCO World Higher Education Conference. Barcelona 18-20 May 2022.
Skyrme, J. (2022) 'Education for Action on Sustainable Development'. University Social Responsibility Summit. Hong Kong. Global online event.
Skyrme, J (2022) 'The Manchester Story'. Civic University Network seminar. UK online event.
Skyrme, J (2022) 'The power of partnership: SDG 17 and university partnerships to achieve the goals'. Global SDG awareness day. Global online event.
Skyrme, J (2021) 'Is sustainability driving your institutional brand and does it matter?' Global; online International PIE Webinar. 20 July 2021 .
Skyrme, J (2021) ' University SDG Reports: what is current best practice?' SDSN Seminar. 26July 2021, global online event.
Skyrme, J (2021) 'The power of profile'. Times Higher Education Impact Summit 21 April 2021. Global online event.
Skyrme, J (2020) COV-AID webinar series 'Adapting to the New Reality: Civically Engaged Universities Offer Strategies and Hope', Open Society University Network and Talloires Network of Engaged Universities. 14 December 2020. Global online event.
Skyrme, J (2020) USRN Webinar 'The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings'. 6 October 2020. Global online event.
Skyrme, J (2020) 'Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals across research, teaching, engagement and operational activities'. 11 May 2020. European Public Health Week. Global online event.
Skyrme, J (2019) 'Community perspectives on university engagement' Global University Engagement Summit. 10 September 2019, The University of Manchester and Wonkhe.
Skyrme, J (2019) 'Service Learning in Healthcare' Keynote address. 15 November 2019, The University of Manchester.
Skyrme, J (2017) 'Metrics for social responsibility'. 7 December 2017, University Social Responsibility Network, Hong Kong.
Skyrme, J (2016) 'Community engagement: policy and practice'. 4 November 2016, Beijing Forum and University Social Responsibility Network, Beijing, China.
Skyrme, J (2015) 'Social responsibility in universities'. 9 October 2015, University Social Responsibility Network, Hong Kong.
Skyrme, J (2014) 'Making a Difference: the Social Responsibility Strategy at The University of Manchester'. NetPositive Futures Conference. 27 February 2014, The Royal York Hotel.
Skyrme, J. (2013) 'The Student Voice in Social Mobility. HE Academy Conference: What can higher education contribute to social mobility? 26-27 March 2013, Manchester.
Skyrme, J. (2013) 'What do we mean by fair admissions?' UCAS Annual Conference for Teachers and Advisers. 6 February 2013, Crown Plaza Hotel Nottingham.
Skyrme, J. (2012) 'Widening Participation 2012 and beyond'. HEFCE/Higher Education Academy Conference on Tools and Resources for a new HE context. 18 December 2012, London School of Economics.
Skyrme, J. (2012) ‘Fair Admissions: Media, Myths & Reality’. Joint GSA/HMC Universities Admissions Conference, 7 November, Warwick University.
Skyrme, J. (2012) ‘Markets, Missions and Collaborative Outreach Work’. Westminster Briefing n Widening Access and Student Success, 6 November 2012, Westminster, London.
Skyrme, J. (2012) ‘Top Tips on Progression to Russell Group Universities’. Russell Group Teacher and Adviser Conference, 16 March 2012, University of Oxford.
Skyrme, J. (2011) ‘Engineering or Excellence? Approaches to using contextual admissions data’. UCAS Competitive Admissions Conference, 7 December, Russell Hotel, London.
Skyrme, J. (2011) ‘Fair access to leading HEIs’. The Evidence-base for fair admissions, 7 July 2011, The University of Manchester.
Skyrme, J. (2011) ‘Students as Consumers?’. University Challenge Conference, 7 June, The University of Manchester.
Skyrme, J. (2010) ‘Removing barriers to HE: Reviewing admissions process to ensure fair access and widening participation in the future’. E-MAP - Improving Progression to Higher Education Routes in Higher Education, 2 December, London.
Skyrme, J. (2010) ‘Fair Admissions & Contextual Data’. Higher Education Liaison Officers Experienced Practitioners Conference, 24 November, Aston.
Skyrme, J. (2010) ‘Contextual Data in Undergraduate Admissions: Why and How’. GSA/HMC Independent Schools’ Higher Education Advisers Conference, 10 November, Oxford.
Skyrme, J. (2010) ‘Equity and the fair admissions practices of leading HEIs: mapping the terrain’. Higher Education Academy - Promoting Equity in Education Conference Research Conference, 27 – 28 January, Nottingham.
Skyrme, J. (2010) ‘The past, present and future of widening participation’. Higher Education Liaison Officers Association Annual Conference, 27 January, Bristol.
Skyrme, J. (2009) ‘Social Mobility and Fair Admissions’. Improving Profession Routes to Higher Education E-Map Conference, 3 December, London.
Skyrme, J. (2009) ‘Social background and context: recognising demonstrated talent’. 7th Annual Admissions to Higher Education Conference. 5 November, London.
Skyrme, J. (2009) ‘HE and student perspectives on the learner journey’. Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Annual HE Conference, 3 – 4 November, Sutton Coldfield.
Skyrme, J. & Lee, S. (2009) ‘Widening Participation The Manchester Way’. Aimhigher Annual Conference 7 October, London.
Skyrme, J. (2008) ‘Targeting Outreach Work: A Prioritisation model’. European Access Network 17th Annual Conference, 30 June – 2 July, Thessaloniki.
Skyrme, J. (2008) ‘Progression to HE through Access Programmes: a case study of The Manchester Access Programme’. Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Annual HE Conference, 12 – 13 March, Nottingham.
Skyrme, J. (2008) ‘Making Data Count: case studies of using WP statistics to influence strategy’. Action on Access Annual Conference, London.
Skyrme, J. (2007) ‘Targeting and data in UK outreach work’. US Council for Opportunity in Education 26th Annual Conference, 5 – 8 September, Chicago.
Skyrme, J. (2007) ‘Widening Participation in Higher Education in India and the UK’. UK-India Policy Dialogue Seminar Sponsored by UGC, India and UKIERI, 26, 27 and 28 March, Kolkata.
Skyrme, J. (2006) ‘HEIs strategies for school types, quality and equity objectives’. Higher Education Marketing Conference, 2 October, London.